caregiver burnout

senior adults

counseling for Caregiver burnout

in colorado, florida, maryland, & pennsylvania

Caregivers are those who assist others with life functioning. This includes those caring for aging parents, children or adult children with special needs, or ailing loved ones. Caregiving can cover a wide range of activities from scheduling medical appointments and providing transportation, managing finances, and coordinating care to more hands on activities like cooking meals, feeding, bathing, and cleaning for your loved one. There are of course emotional and mental well-being needs to be addressed for your loved one.

Caregiving may be temporary, such as following an illness, treatment or hospital stay. In other cases caregiving is long term, such as caring for a loved one with dementia or special needs for a time or a lifetime. It can be quite strange shifting from being a spouse to the role of a nurse. Of course you may still have your own obligations or work during this period. You may also have children or grandchildren to care for. There may also be some grieving that occurs as you mourn the loss of the life you had or envisioned for you and your loved ones. Research is plentiful on the impact of caregiver stress on those doing the caregiving; sadly caregivers are prone to developing depression and anxiety as a result of caregiver stress.

At AROSE eTherapy, the stressors of caregiving are well-understood. Did you know 65% of caregivers are women? This is why AROSE®, which caters to therapy for women, is a good source of support. Dr. Rozycki has extensive experience working in health psychology settings including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, hospitals, and medical clinics. She has worked in family medicine practices, cancer centers, neurology and neuropsychology clinics, and diabetes education centers. With these positions she has worked with older adults by providing counseling and diagnostic assessments of dementia, depression, and anxiety. These are difficult situations to manage; AROSE eTherapy® is here to support you through these challenging situations.

counseling for senior adults

in colorado, florida, maryland, & pennsylvania

Counseling for senior adults can be an effective way to manage struggles with anxiety and depression as life changes prove difficult to manage. There is much to adjust to from retirement to health status changes. Many older adults struggle as health sometimes declines and friends and family pass on. Existential issues sometimes arise bringing matters of life and death to the forefront. This can be overwhelming and soon symptoms of anxiety, like tension, worry, and constant fear can plague older adults.

Senior adults may also find they are lacking energy, have a change in appetite, feel sad and depressed, and no longer wish to engage in activities they previously enjoyed; these signs and symptoms could mean depression has set in. Online counseling offers solutions and hope, particularly when transportation issues can get in the way of travelling to in-person appointments.

Dr. Alicia Rozycki offers online therapy in Colorado Springs, CO, FL, MD, & PA for high achieving professional women. Serving 80106 80108 80111 80113 80132 80133 80809 80829 80831 80863 80904 80906 80908 80919 80920 80921 80924 80926 80927 81023

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for caregiver burnout and senior adults

in colorado, florida, maryland, and pennsylvania

AROSE eTherapy offers the convenience of accessing psychotherapy from the comfort of your home. This can be especially important if you are not only managing your schedule but caretaking for another. Or if you’re an older adult looking for extra support from the comfort of your home, feel free to reach out today. This is too heavy a burden to bare without support. With support from someone who understands caregiver work and challenges as well as the needs of older adults, you’ll be in competent and understanding care.


FOR caregiver burnout and senior adults





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